Snow Removal Services, Park City, UT

Types of Snow Removal Contracts: Part I

Posted : January 1, 2020

Tis the season for snow and ice. And that means it’s time to consider a contract for snow and ice removal services for your commercial property. However, trying to predict the forecast to decide on a type of contract and how to budget can be tricky. Nonetheless, it pays to choose a snow and ice removal service before the snow hits. Here are just a few types of contracts and the advantages they offer. Check back next week for the other types of snow removal contracts.

 Snow Removal Services, Park City, UT

Time and Material Contract

With a Time and Materials Contract, you only pay for the services received.

Pros: This is an excellent option if you only want to pay for services as needed and aren’t concerned with sticking to a strict budget.

Cons: You may pay more if the snowfall is above average. In addition, this type of contract may involve more diligence on your part to verify the hours spent clearing snow along with the amount of materials used.

Additional Considerations: If you contract with a less-qualified provider, be sure to pay attention to the hourly rate. If that contractor does not have the appropriate equipment or cannot get the job done in a timely manner, this may result in larger bills for you down the line.

Per Inch Contract

Per Inch Contract, also known as a Per Event Contract, offers a clearly defined price based on different snow accumulation levels.

Pros: This is a great option if you only want to pay for services as needed, but want some certainty on the cost ahead of time. It also removes the task of verifying the hours spent on the work unlike the Time and Materials Contract.

Cons: This type of contract can still complicate budgeting. In addition, because of the uncertainty involved with weather and its timing, many contractors avoid this type of contract.

Additional Considerations: Signing with a qualified provider is crucial for this type of contract. Be sure to discuss which services will be incorporated into the price before signing your contract. In addition, some ice melting products are charged per application, so be sure to ask your provider about this as well.

Stop back next week to learn about 2 more types of snow removal contracts.

Need Snow Removal Services in the Salt Lake City Area?

At Aeroscape, we have experienced staff ready to assist you with your snow removal needs. Whether you need snow removal services in Salt Lake City, or snow and ice management in Park City, give us a call at (801) 567-2383 or click on our Contact an Expert green arrow on any page of our website to get started today.
